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fx-999CN CW, the New CW series released in China

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fx-999CN CW, the New CW series released in China

Message non lude sheepsheep » 01 Avr 2023, 09:16

Hi there, I am a friend from China. A few days ago CASIO just released the new CN CW series in China, and I just got the new model, named fx-999CN CW. It's a brand new model name and the 991CN CW is still remained. They are almost same but Spreadsheet and Distribution modes are only available in 999CN CW.


Just like the previous CN X models, it can display Chinese and English, so the following photos will present as a English interface.

But let's look at the front panel first, you would find it's very different from the CW series in other counties, all the keys own a SHIFT function, and are translated to Chinese, including the FORMAT key. Also the x key is not own a QR as SHIFT function, it means CN CW series do not own a QR function, and actually the ClassPad.net is not reachable in China yet.

Let's do a compare with the fx-880BTG, a product from Vietnam:

You should see the differences between the two, and you would also find no Math Box mode on 999CN CW. And when I press SETTINGS key on HOME screen, it would display a Calculator ID screen, also no QR on the left, and the items in SETTINGS menu are only three, the Get Started option is missing.
(Now you know it's a EY028 model.)

So many new things for CW series are missing! However, one thing is still remained on the CN CW series, which is the Multi-Statement colon character and the variable store character. It is hidden in the CATALOG screen:

In addition, it owns the Verify and Simplify function.

For other functions are almost same with the globle model 991CW. So anything else you want to know about the functions? You can make a comment.

When I try to remove the battery and use solar power only, it displays a icon that indicated the battery is dead.
Here are the back panel and the insider PCB things, you would find it's made in China, not Thailand.
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Re: fx-999CN CW, the New CW series released in China

Message non lude critor » 01 Avr 2023, 09:28

Thank you very much.

The fx-999CN CW looks very nice, the golden shift key and labels give it a very special touch.
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Re: fx-999CN CW, the New CW series released in China

Message non lude sheepsheep » 12 Juin 2023, 08:02

A new version of the CN CW series is spotted.

No new features added, but a Chinese slogan will display when powered off.

The slogan is shown as "激发你的好奇心", which is the translation of Casio's Education Statement, "Boost your Curiosity". To display this, the CASIO® icon has been scaled down compared to the previous.

When in diagnostic, the new version is shown as Ver.B, despite it being less than 3 months since Ver.A was first released for purchase.

It is unclear whether Casio will include this feature on models in other countries.


source: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/8455773424
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Re: fx-999CN CW, the New CW series released in China

Message non lude Adriweb » 12 Juin 2023, 22:41

Nice find :)

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Re: fx-999CN CW, the New CW series released in China

Message non lude critor » 13 Juin 2023, 00:18

Very interesting discovery, thank you.
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