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Re: Interesting bug with ControlX in PTT mode -

I think I have found the solution. This is a temporary solution, but you have to copy the CAS patcher file for your version to your calculator and just run it. Maybe sometime in the future the developers of ControlX may make a new version that will run the startup folder in the ndless folder while i...
de nghephuhao
11 Mar 2024, 12:25
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: Interesting bug with ControlX in PTT mode -
Réponses: 8
Vus: 1486

Re: Interesting bug in Press to Test mode -

Note 4: Firebird Emulator 1.6 with my CAS OS when in PTT mode, y^2 does not crash the calculator.

Note 5: It now counts for all calculations when in PTT, it crashes the calculator when typing any calculaton, even 1+1.
This might be a problem with ControlX.
de nghephuhao
09 Mar 2024, 05:40
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: Interesting bug with ControlX in PTT mode -
Réponses: 8
Vus: 1486

Re: Interesting bug in Press to Test mode -

Note 3: It also crashes when Angle Setting is set to Radian
de nghephuhao
07 Mar 2024, 15:00
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: Interesting bug with ControlX in PTT mode -
Réponses: 8
Vus: 1486

Re: Intresting bug in Press to Test mode -

Note: I can't turn off the auto overclock on boot, even after deleting Nover and nover.cfg.tns

Note 2: Press to Test settings:
- Angle Setting: Degrees
- All restrictions enabled
de nghephuhao
07 Mar 2024, 13:39
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: Interesting bug with ControlX in PTT mode -
Réponses: 8
Vus: 1486

Re: Intresting bug in Press to Test mode -

I did use the CAS patcher for from the tutorial on how to install ControlX.
Also, on boot, it was overclocked to 198 mHz with Nover.
de nghephuhao
07 Mar 2024, 13:31
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: Interesting bug with ControlX in PTT mode -
Réponses: 8
Vus: 1486

Re: Help with bricked TI-Nspire CX (Revisison C) - Solved

How to enter the hidden Check Flash function in the Maintenance menu

Step 1: Enter the maintenance menu.
Step 2: Press 5 on the menu screen
Step 3: Press 1 to proceed

Thats pretty much it.
de nghephuhao
07 Mar 2024, 13:10
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: Help with bricked TI-Nspire CX (Revisison C) - Solved
Réponses: 1
Vus: 696

Interesting bug with ControlX in PTT mode -

If you type any calculation in the Scratchpad or in a new document on any calculator with ControlX 5.0.5 in PTT mode, it will crash the calculator.

Test: TI-Nspire CX (nBoot+ControlX 5.0.5) (CAS)

Demo in attachment

bug.mp4 [ 39.5 Mio | Vu 1442 fois ]

de nghephuhao
07 Mar 2024, 13:04
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: Interesting bug with ControlX in PTT mode -
Réponses: 8
Vus: 1486

Help with bricked TI-Nspire CX (Revisison C) - Solved

I need some help with my TI-Nspire CX which I tried to install nBoot and ControlX when I tried to repartition the flash. I was not intending to install Linux, and I intend to install a CAS OS on my non CAS model. When I reset the calculator, the calculator gets stuck when booting, not showing the No...
de nghephuhao
03 Mar 2024, 03:18
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: Help with bricked TI-Nspire CX (Revisison C) - Solved
Réponses: 1
Vus: 696

Re: Strange low battery screen - TI-Nspire CX

Ok, Thanks.
Note: I have charged the calculator now and it's working as expected. BTW, I don't see that low battery screen anywhere on the internet.
de nghephuhao
18 Fév 2024, 03:36
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: Strange low battery screen - TI-Nspire CX
Réponses: 2
Vus: 639

Strange low battery screen - TI-Nspire CX

Recently, I have tinkered with Nover and got the CPU to 234 mHz. Last night, I left gpSP running with Nover and when I checked the next day, I saw this screen:

Picture in attachment
de nghephuhao
18 Fév 2024, 00:49
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: Strange low battery screen - TI-Nspire CX
Réponses: 2
Vus: 639

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